This is a set of four Books on Islam, its philosophy and Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (saws) in English. Product description:
Prophet Muhammad's Life: An Introspection on Present Day Conditions (Paperback – 2015) by Maulana Muddassir Ahmad Qasmi. This book will not benefit only the Muslims unaware of the Prophet's character, but non- Muslim compatriots and other religion's followers who harbour misconceptions and doubts about the universal mercy of Prophet Muhammad (saws) too. It will eliminate their misunderstandings and hopefully they will try to take refuge in this shade of his large-heartedness. This book will also work as a mirror for the Ummah and we could see in it our morals and characters along with the present situation of our society. This is a good collection of stories and lesson-oriented compositions based on the practical life of the prophet Muhammad (saws). It provides information about Prophet's character and invites people towards accountability. In the beginning of every article the present day critical situation among Muslims is delineated, while in the middle the spiritual balm for social and personal maladies is prescribed from the practical teachings of the holy prophet Muhammad (saws) and in the end meaningful messages and realistic suggestions are given for those who wish to improve their personal and social conditions.
Qur'an ka Paigham by Mufti Jaseemuddin Qasmi, Short Commentaries of all 30 paras of the glorious Qur'an.